Seeing Our Country

Seeing Our Country
Famous pancake house in Brookline, NY

Friday, March 11, 2005

One of the newest features on our rig is the addition of a Datastorm Satellite dish that handles both Directv and Direcway (tv and internet). You can see it as the blue lighted arm on top of the motorhome. Installed by Bill and Janet Adams of InternetAnywhere. They did a super job getting the components installed. We met them in Silver Springs, FL, and were very impressed and happy with the service they provided. I recommend them to you if you need a similar setup. They provided a picture that is somewhere on this machine, but I can't figure out where I stored the darn thing.

Christa and Chino (my son's pooch) enjoying a bit of shade at the Smart muster held in March at Sugar Mill RV Park near Thomasville, GA.

Smart members taking it easy to enjoy some sun and a little comraderie.

Having sold our home in Thomasville, we are adjusting to the "Full-time" RV lifestyle. One of the ways to get into the swing of things is to join a good club such as the SMART (Special Military Active Retired Travel) Club. We attended our first Muster at the Sugar Mill RV park near Thomasville, GA. Met many new friends and had a good week of fun and food.

Our new rig that we purchased along with a trade of my previous truck and trailer rig. Picked it up while on a trip to Texas in Dec 0f 2004.