Seeing Our Country

Seeing Our Country
Famous pancake house in Brookline, NY

Monday, November 16, 2009

Texas Hill Country Fall Ride

Thought I'd post some pics of my most recent ride through the Texas Hill Country. Started out on a very cool foggy morning, Saturday, Nov 14, 09, and had to stop a couple miles after starting to put on my cold weather gloves. Damp and cool made for a question as to whether it would be a good day for a ride. But, the weather report said it was supposed to clear up and be a clear day. Taking I-10 to Loop 1604 to SH-16 I made the highway cruise to Bandera, TX, where I enjoyed a cup of coffee and a slice of apple pie at the Ole Spanish Trail cafe. Met a couple of riders and we discussed the usual biker stuff, roads, sights, weather, near misses, you know the usual stuff. I stayed long enough for the fog to start to clear off and warm up a bit, then saddled up and continued up 16 towards Medina.
Some beautiful fall color as noted here with a shot of the scoot.
A little further up the road, I came across this shot. The picture does not do the scene justice (a wide angle lens would've helped). Anyway, had to take a shot.
Although this was my usual weekend ride, I actually had a goal, the Lonestar Motorcycle Museum in Vanderpool, TX. A favorite of motorcycle and car enthusiasts, this little museum out in the middle of Southwest TX has an excellent collection of privately owned motorcycles dating back generations.

I obviousle drifted towards the classic Triumphs, but there were Ariels, Matchless', Nortons, Hondas, Harleys, Indians, Vincents, and a few whose names I can not remember. All in beautiful condition. Obviously, I rcommend a stop if you're in the area.

They also serve some fine road cuisine. Famous for their burgers and fries, I instead had to try out the Chicken Curry Meat Pies. Deliscious.

After a casual meal and a thorough going over of the bikes, I headed back to the road and winding my way home.
Back through some beautiful winding roads, up and down hills, and crossing small streams here and there (really special after the year and a half drought) along the way.
Making it back to Bandera, I refueled and returned at a fairly good clip the way I came. Bandera is famous for rodeos, and trail rides. Here a couple of cowpokes entertain some tourists with rope tricks and a how-to on dutch oven cooking. All in all, about a 230 mile rounder and was well worth the sore butt I came home with. I was greeted at home with the Cowboys getting soundly whomped. Bummer dude. But I did get a good nap in.

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Monday, November 02, 2009

Short November 09 Solo Run

What a great day for a ride. Temps in the low to mid 60s expected to warm to the middle 70s. A crisp clear very cool morning for a ride in south of Texas. Usually I am running in the Texas Hill Country, but the Dallas Cowboys will be playing at noon and I have to make it a short trip.

That means I'm running in the farm and ranch lands east of San Antonio and south of I-10. Leaving my house I catch onto FM775 heading west. A couple of miles down the road I pulled over to get a picture (1st pic) of this fine clear morning, surely the Lord's work at his finest. Continuing west I passed through the little town of LaVernia and catch Hwy 81 going north towards Loop 1604, then west again. Seeing signs for Lake Calaveras, I decide to pay a visit as I had not been to this lake in quite a while. $2 entry and I'm in taking a bit of a rest (mostly to warm up). Still pretty much the same as it had been the last time I was here. A recreation and power lake, Calaveras is of a fairly good size with lots of fishing. The 2nd pic is of the scoot sitting in front of a plant (no, I don't know what the plant does) residing on the lake. Checked out the facilities and headed back on the road going west on 1604 again.

This time I'm heading for Braunig Lake a little closer to San Antonio (20 minutes fro downtown actually) just to check it out again as well. Going west 5 more miles, I take a right onto I-37 North and go another 4 miles taking the Lake Braunig exit. Another power/recreation lake, Braunig offers great fishing, picnicing and limited camping (primitive only). Still, a good little lake. A short pause to enjoy the scenery, take some pics (3rd one above) and then I'm back on the road north staying on the frontage road. I have an alterior motive here.

Next year I take over Muster Master for the RV travel Club of which I am a member. One of the duties of the Muster Master is to look for new places for the club to rally to. So I gave the Braunig Lake RV Resort a quick once over, including a chat with the manager about rates, accomodations and such other things before realizing that it was already after 11am. That meant it was time to mount up and blaze a trail home to make the Cowboy game in time. A short run, but a nice one as folks had not yet gotten out onto the roads yet. The only bummer was the throng of Long Nosed Brown Butterflies that have been blanketing the area lately (literally). Thankfully, I'm running with a windscreen. Made it home only 5 mins late to watch the Boys put a licking on the Seahawks. What a day.
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