Seeing Our Country

Seeing Our Country
Famous pancake house in Brookline, NY

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Back Home

12 March finds us back home safely after having been deluged with rain in east Texas. Good to be back after the "Shake Down" trip. This sunset was a welcome sight shuning from behind our house that evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning.
I have been following your blog on and off. I am extremely interested in earth shelter building. We hope to start one next year but still haven't decided which type of earth shelter house to build. Now that you have been in your house for a while, I am interested in how you like it, pros and cons, what you might have done differently now that you have lived in it? Any tips you might have? What you though about your builder? Your energy bills?? Would love to just hear what you have to say about the whole experience, building and living in an earth shelter home. Would love to get an email from you or read it in your blog.
Thanks in advance,
Renee Fricano