Seeing Our Country

Seeing Our Country
Famous pancake house in Brookline, NY

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

On a new adventure

Alright, the long awaited return to road adventures (well, long awaited by me anyway). After having spent the last year or so working on the new house, we are at a point that we can take some time for traveling once again. Having left home at the end of July we have set our sites on the distant location of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia in Canada. There we hope to join up with our friends Ted and Jan who are already at camp there. Along the way we will stop to see other friends and see new places of interest. I'll try to keep the journal as up to date as possible, but a lot will be catch-up when we have a long enough stop to bring the blog up to speed. You are invited to follow along and provide us with pointers if you see us headed toward a particular point of interest. Also, we will be keeping our location posted via the Datastorm map, you can see that by hitting the "Our Location" link provided.

Our first stop was Kinder, LA, to enjoy one of our favorites, the Coushata Casino and a stay at the Red Shoes RV Resort. A truly grand RV resort. Mom and Christa love the area because they don't have to depend on me to shuttle them all over the place as the casino provides that service. I didn't take pictures this time as we have pretty much "been there, done that" in the photo department in the past.

We were supposed to stop in and see our friends Roger and Jeanne near Houston, TX. But, weather problems delayed our departure right up to our reservation at Red Shoes. Not to worry, they're on our regular migration route and we'll be seeing them soon again.

Our next stop is Biloxi, MS. We stayed at the Keesler AFB FamCamp. This is to be my new favorite camp site. Many improvements are in the works making this a very nice place to stop over provided you have access to the this military rec area. The top row of pictures above are of the entrance and campsite of the famcamp. Weather kept me from going kayaking in the nearby boat ramp on the lake to the immediate north of the Camp.

Weather has been a factor for the whole trip so far, the heaviest was seen in Baton Rouge, La, where the rain came down in bucket fulls. A few wrecks resulted in slow driving for the first part of this trip. The rain has chased us all the way into Biloxi, but we did have a little time for the casinos which have opened once again. While much has been done to bring Biloxi back on line, there was still evidence of Katrina in abundance. The hardest part was to see that many of the old homes that used to line US 90 between Biloxi and Gulfport are probably gone forever and are being replace with newer homes that do not have the same archetectural elegance. More concerning is the rising number of condos and casinos in their stead. The Mississippi coast is on the way to a new era, and this is just the way it is, but the coast line will not be like it was before.
Having spent a couple days in Biloxi, we packed up and moved on. Our next stay was Eagles Landin RV Near Crestview, FL. We must apologize to Lamar and Diane as I left without getting phone and email from my desktop, the result was the inability to call to arrange for a short visit. Sorry guys. The park we stayed at, Eagles Landing, was a new one for us and was a very nice surprise. Clean and built with big rigs in mind (as well as smaller ones) we found a park easy to get in, clean, and secure feeling.

We stayed here the one night, but due to its being close to the Blackwater River State Park, we will probably make this a regular stop. The state park is a great source for hiking, kayaking and other outdoor activities.

After leaving Eagles Landing, we headed for Thomasville, GA, and Sugarmill Plantation RV Park. This used to be our home away from home when we lived here a few years back. The park is under new ownership and some improvements have been made to an already nice place to stay. While here we will see a lot of old friends including, Curt and Audrey, and members of Christa's family. I will also take the opportunity to clean up the rig anticipating better weather ahead. We plan to be here for a week before heading off to Savannah, one of our favorite cities.

Welcome aboard the Goofenhowzen Express once again, hope you enjoy the ride.

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